We provide a wide spectrum of specialized services to take care of your specific business needs. MITRAA’s services are tailored to meet clients’ unique business needs.
Our team ensures that your organization gains a competitive advantage by plugging the gaps in the processes and installing a comprehensive Management Information System (MIS) leading to faster and more accurate Decision Making and increased operational efficiency and productivity.
The experienced professionals of our team will assist you in ensuring that you meet all the requirements that are set out for the adoption of these standards.
We are sensitive to the core value systems followed by each family and take care to factor in the aspirations of the younger generation. Extreme care is taken to define the succession plan as we believe that it is extremely important to have a detailed succession plan and exit strategy for a healthy family business environment.
With our efficient and richly experienced professionals, we provide you with the best pricing methodology thereby creating an agreement ahead of time and helping you reduce your tax uncertainties.
We help your organization to reduce risk and provide objective and independent Transfer Pricing solutions. We assist you in documentation and dispute resolution to provide a fully compliant Transfer Pricing policy.
We will assist you in ensuring compliance with all statutory requirements related to CSR as well as policy formulation, monitoring, and reporting as mandated by the Companies Act 2013.